Tuesday, December 28, 2010

MY 2010 in music

Well 2010 comes to a close. The annual "best of" lists are everywhere. So, I decided that I will make my final post of 2010 my version. It's FAR from a best of, critics choice, or anything that ranks the content. It's really just my "random thoughts" about the year in music, concerts and events... enjoy and we'll see you in January:

Music, gotta be honest not much excited me. However, as I tend to do I found a few albums that I purchased (legally) and welcomed them into a growing collection. Again, no order, no critics just me.

Eminem - Recovery: Never a huge fan of his genre. But he pushed the envelope, and the first single was strong and one word I use to describe it is INTENSE. One talented guy. Now, will the Grammy Awards recognize this?

Disturbed - Asylum: Another 1 word title. If you like Disturbed, then you'll like this. Great group of guys, and hardworking surburban Chicago band. Pretty much witnessed their success first hand. A good Disturbed record.

Black Crowes - Croweology: Sucks about the hiatus. However, a nice treat for the fans. You'll hear alot more about these guys as you read on.

Robert Plant - Band of Joy: Made alot of critics lists. Good record. Talk about somebody who's evolved, and aged gracefully. His fans and his music have too. If you're 14 and listening to Whole Lotta Love for the first time, then you'll say WTF. If you're 30 or older give this a listen. He's still the Tall Cool One in my opinion.

Tom Petty - Mojo: Great Tom Petty record. He rocks out a little more, and let's the Hearbreakers loose on a few tunes.

Drive By Truckers - The Big To Do: The first complete DBT record I've ever listened to. It's a little dark at times (but humorous!). The song writing is one of the strong points. They played LOLLA!

Scorpions - Sting in the Tail: Their swan song. I grew up listening to these guys, and it's hard not to like any of their music. Again, if you like the Scorps this is good. I missed their farewell show, but some great memories none the less!

Elton John and Leon Russell - The Union: Again, a critics darling. However, I like this record. Glad to see Elton venture into anything other than pop music soundtracks. Another mellow one, but a Sunday on the deck/patio with a grill, this is the disc.


I had a hell of a concert season! As I turned 40, I made a commitment to some shows... Here are a few highlights:

My 20th Jimmy Buffett show! Probably a highlight. Always a good time. If you've attended the tailgate, then you know what I mean. Looking forward to this annually! "If you want an experience, go to a Jimmy Buffett concert..."

Rush performs Moving Pictures in it's entirety: I'm becoming a fan of the Charter One Pavillion. Pretty intimate place for outdoors, with the skyline behine the stage! Due to a ticket snafu we're upgraded to the first 5 rows right in front of Getty's bass amps.

I see Phish for the first time: First show of the summer. Attending the only Chicago appearance with 50,000 Phish Heads. Gives the Parrottheads a run. Talk about a vibe! I would see these guys again, and even bought some of their music this year. Met a ton of cool people!

The Black Crowes say goodbye: 3 hour farewell. I hope these guys comeback. This was a real bummer but they went out in style. The Chicago Theater will never be the same. Good to see effort, energy and caring about the fans! Goodbye bad guys.

Roger Waters tours the Wall! Holy Shit! This was the pinacle! I don't care who else tries something, THIS is it! What a show! If you didn't go, I want to say that I'm sorry. What a night!

Overall, I always find ways to celebrate with music. I would like to give an honorable mention to Lady Antebellum's song Need You Now. If you're walking around in Las Vegas late at night with the woman you love this song takes on a whole new meaning.

Looking forward to 2011... another Buffett show, Stevie Nicks' new record, and the Rolling Stones are going to tour....


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