Thursday, February 17, 2011

Why the music industry is doomed

I saw this chart/article today and it kinda woke me up on why music sales are truly down, and it is because of downloading music... But not for the typical reason every industry person uses.

What the digital downloads has done, be it legal or illegal (But especially legal) is kill the LP. It is now a singles format. Do you remember the last time singles out sold LPs? The 50s. It took bands like The Beatles to kick in LP sales thus really boosting the industry, this was even further boosted by bands like Pink Floyd and The Who, bands that regularly made concept albums, albums that you felt you had to hear from front to back. This also encouraged bands like Led Zeppelin and Guns n' Roses to put out ambitious records that had 5-10 great songs. You just don't see that today because people don't buy full albums, they buy songs.

There seems to be no reason for an artist to put together more then a good song or two, maybe they just don't have the talent... Or maybe (and more likely) they are being told that they won't get pushed past a 2nd single unless the first two songs blow up. It is a very destructive way to run a business, but it is what is happening. When is the last time you bought an album that had more then 2 singles? And the few major new stars today have that. Look at Lady Gaga... Not my cup of tea, however she put out an album with 3 singles and then quickly put out a 2nd album with another 3 singles, my guess would be all 6 were ready for the first record but the record company cut them because they didn't think it would last beyond a 2nd single...ooops...

The more I see of the way the industry runs things the more I think "Good riddance". They are like any other company that runs its self into the ground, kind of hard to feel any sympathy.

My suggestion? Bookmark the websites of all your must hear bands and visit them often. Get updates on tours and new music, show them through web traffic that you care and they will survive, music always will. It's the record company executive who shouldn't.

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