Sunday, October 3, 2010

What happened to the big new releases?

Rolling stone just put out an article on all the big fall releases for this year

This is the time of year that the record companies base the whole year on, Christmas is coming and they want you to buy, buy, buy.... So.... Is there anything worth getting excited about, or will it be a bunch to do about nothing? Let's look:

Right off the bat we get the Zac Brown band... They had an impressive debut, but a major release? I dunno... Most bands have sophomore slumps when pushed to release a 2nd record so quick. I don't hear a big groundswell waiting on this one.

Next is Soundgarden... Reunions are always interesting and these guys were huge, however this is mostly old stuff that fans already had. For a couple of new tracks? Download the new songs and leave the rest to your old CDs

John Lennon reissues.... I'm personally tired of reissues.... Next

Kings of Leon... This band finally broke through, but are hardly earth shattering as far as new releases are concerned. Even though I am looking forward to it.

Elton John and Leon Russell.... Could be big, sometimes these collaborations are huge (Clapton and BB King)

Bob Dylan... More bootleg series... I am always hearing about these but they aren't big sellers

Taylor Swift... OK... This may be the first true legit big release. She has been huge for a few years (Yes... Way before Kanye) This will likely be the big Christmas release.

Bryan Ferry... This guy always gets good pub and no one cares... Next

Elvis Costello... Once again, big name with small sales

Weezer.... Another reissue... Really? Ugh

Springsteen... See above (And I love Darkness)

Kid Rock... The guy knows how to sell records in this climate, it will sneak up on people and for a change his first single sounds good

Rihanna... This should be another big one, her duet with Eminem should really help, plus she has a good track record

The Black Eyed Peas... This will be big... And I have no idea why people buy this garbage

Kanye West.... Another big one, maybe Kanye and Taylor Swift can fight it out for top seller, LOL

The rest are a bunch of has been or not yets (How are you considered an anticipated release when no one has heard of you but your mommy?)

I really do miss the days of big release that you got excited for... It's been a long time since their was a national big exciting release (Locally any Kid Rock, Bob Seger or other local based guys get huge hype). Maybe if the record companies can create that excitement again they can survive.....

But I'm just not seeing it this season



  1. Seems like since about 2002 that the Christmas season stopped being the "big guns" release time. They've fallen into releasing as many live and hits packages as possible during that time.

    But as you mentioned, none of the releases coming this year are set to be "big". Even the Taylor Swift release is in trouble, her single isn't doing nearly as well as her lead singles usually do.

    We'll have to see what happens with Kid Rock. That last album was pretty much dead in the water until All Summer Long blew up nationally. He can't (read: I hope) go back to that well again, so I'm wondering if there will be a smash that lets this record take off.


  2. That's the thing about Kid Rock, his first single usually sucks and then 2-3 singles in before he releases what should have been the first single. But he sells his disc at $7.99 and it sells well... Which just shows you that if you put out some songs that people like and a reasonable price it will sell.

    Maybe someone at the record companies should maybe pay a lil attention
