Thursday, November 25, 2010

Holiday Music... take it or leave it...

So Greg and Russ have shared their thoughts on the holiday music issue. On this eve of Black Friday, I feel I should share mine, I understand where both my fellow contributers are coming from, and we share some of the same opinions.

I'm not a fan of all holiday music. It could be that I too have been in the retail business for most of my adult life, but mainly it has to do with that ANYBODY can record a holiday album. Thus, presenting us with more than enough options for a season that really only lasts 6 weeks most years. Sure there's the radio station in Chicago that starts playing holiday music on 11/1 every year and uses it as a tagline to brag. Having spent many holiday seasons working in record stores or music departments in big box stores, I've listened to some really good holiday music, and some really bad. It's always nice to be able to open what you want and "check it out".

I also get that Christmas has lost most of it's tradition, and Black Friday is basically an extension or addition to the Thanksgiving Weekend. I also don't really feel the need for holiday music any other time but holiday. I guess it's one of the few ways a music loving, retail working guy can catch some holiday spirit. I do believe there is some good holiday albums out there, and even artists that have released their versions of the "classics" or original new tunes (this is where most get into trouble in my opinion).

So, with that being said here are some of favorite holiday songs, and honorable mention to a few others. Some I listen to several times a season, but I really do only own about 15 holiday albums and really never listen to any of them all the way through...

Some Great Holiday Songs:

Queen - Thank God It's Christmas
David Bowie and Bing Crosby - Peace on Earth/Little Drummer Boy
The Ramones - Merry Christmas (I Don't Want to Fight)
The Waitresses - Christmas Wrapping
Willie Nelson - Pretty Paper
The Beach Boys - Little Saint Nick
Peggy Lee - Santa Claus is Coming to Town
Billy Squire - Christmas is a Time to Say I Love You
Weird All Yankovic - Christmas at Ground Zero (lost some of it's luster after 9/11)
Cheech & Chong - Santa Claus and His Old Lady
Run DMC - Christmas in Hollis (you re-write the lyrics)
Stevie Nicks - Silent Night (might not be the best version, but she's Stevie Nicks)
Eagles - It Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)
Brenda Lee - Rocking Around the Christmas Tree

I would also recommend some the Merry Axemas collection, and Gary Hoey's Ho Ho Hoey collections. Again it's not for everybody, but still good.

These are some of the songs that I try and listen to at least once during the season. Then, on 12/26 I put all the CD's back on the bottom of the rack until next year. Holiday music doesn't have to suck if know where to look.


1 comment:

  1. As always, your musical taste is spot on! You Rock!
